Art + Design Studio 🇨🇦
Low Dose

High as the heavens

digital illustration, illustration

An illustration series melding both traditional Chinese folklore creatures with a contemporary street art style and flat graphic shapes to create a whimsical and surreal world. Scroll to the bottom of the page for full credit list.


Communication Arts 2020 illustration Competition, Shortlisted.

Low Dose

Low Dose

The zen stance. Chill and composed.

Up close and personal.

Up close and personal.

Zoomed into the details.

A stroke of calm.

A stroke of calm.

The head massage from the legendary Kirin beast.

Medium Dose

Medium Dose

Strong and present.

Close up of the dragon

Close up of the dragon

A closer look at the detailed illustration.

High Dose

High Dose

Completely lit.

A close up look at the face of utter rage.

A close up look at the face of utter rage.

The face of being completely lit.

Flame on.

Flame on.

Close up of the details.

High as the heavens series

High as the heavens series

A side by side look as a complete series.
