Practivism X GDC Interactive Mural
design, interactive, mural, timelapse, video
An interactive mural we designed and illustrated for the Graphic Designers of Canada’s event called Practivism held at the Emily Carr University of Art and Design in Vancouver. Printing and installation by Mitchell Press. Full blog post link here.
Design and illustration: Chairman Ting
Project management: Aiken Lao
Printing and installation: Mitchell Press
Photography: Rick Etkin Productions

Practivism X GDC Interactive mural
Photo by Rick Etkin Productions.

Time-lapse video of the attendees interacting with the mural.
Video and edit by Rick Etkin Productions.

An early concept sketch during the creative development stage.
Loose concept pencil sketches are always a good way to start the creative process.

The installation by Mitchell Press
Photo by Rick Etkin Productions.

The mural before the doors opened to the attendees.
Photo by Rick Etkin Productions.

The mural after all the stickers were peeled off.
Photo by Rick Etkin Productions.

Close up shot of the interactive mural.
Photo by Rick Etkin Productions.

Attendee's were invited to peel the stickers off the mural to reveal the message underneath.
Photo by Rick Etkin Productions.

The credit plaque decal.
Photo by Rick Etkin Productions.